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LPT-LSM (Live Smart Monitoring)

Responsive and Fast Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer Control Software

LSM with Markers
LSM Multi-view
LSM Min/Max
LSM Cross-pol
LSM Monitor

Robust yet Simple

LPT-LSM is a desktop based application that connects a user remotely with a real-time LPT spectrum analyzer.  LSM's database stores all added analyzers in a network for quick connections and adjustments of analyzer properties.


LSM hides the inherent clutter associated with real-time spectrum analysis, while still providing exceptional reports, graphs, and readings, many of which are unique to only the LP Technologies software.


Store, Record, and Replay

Recording traces has never been simpler.  With LPT-LSM recordings can be activated instantly to catch interference for future analysis.  Because of the unique design of the trace history, hundreds of hours of recordings can take up as little as 250 MB, and can be easily transferred between operators.


Unlimited user defined presets are available allowing LPT-LSM to be truly a flexible virtual spectrum analyzer: LSM is the perfect solution for any real-time monitoring need.


Monitor and Report

LSM offers numerous interference detection modes for autonomous monitoring of carriers that generate alarms and popups when anomalies occur.  With the LPT-3000RX4 CID module NOC engineers can extract an offender's carrier identification code and resolve interference quickly and effectively.


Live readings of Cross-Pol comparisons can be seen on the main trace window, along with C/N ratios Channel Power, min/max holds, and more!  

LPT-LSM Spectrum Monitoring Software

  • Several Interference Detection Tools

  • Multiple Alarm Modes

    • Popup Alarms

    • Sound Alarms

    • Email Alarms

  • Store and Recall Infinite Number of Presets

  • Record and replay trace history

  • Display min, max, and active traces

  • Cross-Pol comparison

  • Console to send SCPI commands straight to the analyzer

  • Multiple markers

  • Precise Channel Power Measurements

  • Compatible LPT Software
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